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RE: Witness Update: HBD APR

in Hive Governance2 years ago

Good write-up for spreading news regarding the percentage rise for HBD savings accounts from 12% to 20% ... and also, a comprehensible explanation as to the soundness of the HBD stabilization effort for increased attractiveness with regard to D2B.

Stabilization of HBD (pegged) improves 'Use Case' success between providers of goods or services and consumers. With the addition of a 20% bonus, companies can make comfortable gains to their Capital Accounts by keeping it on deposit at Hive, rather than a little or no interest bearing Commercial Bank account.

What some members see as a "negative" for the Chain, is actually a "positive" from a certain business perspective IMO... Adds to growth potential on all fronts.


Pretty much. We have to look at how attractive and competitive we are from the outside. You're right, regular bank savings accounts don't offer anything close and with the Stabilizer any business can have confidence that's supported by a proven track record.