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RE: Global Hive Infrastructure DHF Proposal | HAF apps, image server and more

in Hive Governance7 months ago

It is in my list of things to do to attend their meetings and have a chat with them. In comparison to monolith architecture (one big server) P2P and decentralized file hosting has its own pros and cons and those have to be weighted very carefully. But if done right, with the right code, right design plan -- it can actually be very viable and help bring down the costs, increase regional availability, lower latency, increase reliability. But as I said, these things will take time, cost, blood and tears to both design and implement.

If we can definitely pinpoint a better solution with SPK's code, I am planning to (rather than spending $10k on a single server) get way, way more servers around the world to do the bidding :)


Sounds great and sounds like you have experience which can help design a more decentralized file hosting, such as they are planning, that really does the job in a reliable way.