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RE: Dissecting Tokenomics and Game Theory

in Hive Governance10 months ago

we could lower the reward pool allocation and use that to reward Hive Power holders.

That's a terrible terrible idea. Just awful. None of the logic lines up. For starters, Why are we paying users to write content? We pay them because the game theory says the content has value. Would a corporation pay you to work for them... give you stock options, and then admonish you for dumping the stock? No of course not that's ridiculous and would never ever be deemed acceptable.

Hive does not need more timelocks either. We're doing just fine. Pitching ideas to completely change the way inflation works during a bear market is never going to work. We can not stop the market cycle, and if we try to tinker with things to make number go up during the bear market it's going to fuck everything up and make it so much worse.

There are many ways to build value on a network like this. We need to stop trying to refactor the emissions thinking we can make the internal mechanics more efficient and only focus on bringing in value from the outside without changing core code.

The system you propose allows people like me to completely exploit it. I would just lock up the money for the maximum amount of time and get the maximum yield, and simply sell other tokens that aren't locked at the time. It rewards users that simply have more money, not ones that have a longer-term vision. It's a temporary solution because after a year is up and the money starts unlocking we are right back at the same problem we had before.

In any case I hate to casually shit on your ideas like this...
Let's destroy the ninjamine bruv.
There's one hardfork I'll get behind.


Can you say more re. the last two sentences please.