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RE: Witness Update: HBD APR

This is really incredible I have been up with the HBD APR increase in saving which it's like a shocker to me, but if it's true then hive will be so stable cause many investors will be pumping

But my issue is in the decentralization

Coincidentally, this is what powers Hive: people working together to build a strong community. But the value of connecting with Hive is you can count on Hive, you can have faith in it, you can use it without major barriers and surprises, you can build and it's generally your own domain. When we introduce Hive to others, whether informally or through D2B more formalized initiatives, we transfer that confidence and grow together.

As you clearly stated above, we grow individually, but this side won't be clear to investors who just want to come reap the benefits and zoom off, without understanding how the system works

But does this mean hive will gradually fall off decentralization mode to been centralized? Because it will now turn to be A GAME of the highest bidder


With a community that's decentralized it's not possible to centralize it gradually or abruptly as you would lose the community in the process. And with Hive, if you lose the community, you will lose all value. This is what was attempted by Steemit and it was a complete failure because the community was already only suitable for decentralization. Investors who are smart and who have been in the game for a while know what to look for and they're more interested in results rather than operations. Centralization is easier to explain at first meeting but once the numbers come out and we can show stability, people understand.

With a community that's decentralized it's not possible to centralize it gradually or abruptly as you would lose the community in the process. And with Hive, if you lose the community, you will lose all value.....

Yea you just made it clearer ....I hope it grows this way ...Thanks for the light