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RE: Considering To Move Your Business To The Hive Blockchain? Don't. - An Open Letter to @justineh

in Hive Governance4 years ago (edited)

I still don't understand why your original post didn't just say.

"Hey great new upgrade Travelfeed is now cross-platform compatible and more self-sufficient as a project. Being more independent we are giving users the option to not even put posts on the blockchain if they don't want to and giving options."

I wondered why you were so keen to purposefully throw hive under the bus and burn bridges in your announcement post and this one as well. It seemed like such an interesting business practice. But i guess you were upset with certain Hive users that lead on several fronts? Not sure how it benefited your users to create bad blood with whales/developers and spokespeople of hive.

Again seems like you could just describe travelfeed 3.0 as an upgrade to being cross-chain compatible as well as non-chain compatible and how you guys were wanting to be self-sufficient and less reliant on other organizations while giving users the ability to continue to use their favorite blockchain. I doubt many people would have any issues with this.

Myself and @asgarth will miss you (and @for91days) and your voices and pictures on the blockchain and I'll miss seeing you at the events but it appears you feel offended and that's too bad and perhaps understandable there is plenty of opportunities to feel offended in the world of blockchain it is hard to deal with systems that require interacting with lots of varied individuals DPOS itself means there are people you may have to deal with you don't always want to and in other environments you wouldn't have to deal with. Other users and even ones in position of power tend to get offended and burn bridges as well pretty easily. Should users in positions of power be less prone to offense and more diplomatic in their interactions. Yes of course. But there has been a lot of times when they have felt very burned by many different projects that have scammed people and broken trust... even steemit inc has broken trust in very large ways (NED) so we have seen it's hard for many people to not be very sensitive... specially right now. So timing couldn't have been more tenuous.

However I would have suggested looking for a way forward instead of a further burning of bridges? Makes me sad.


We're where we are because we're looking forward. We did reach out, we did ask question and tried to work things work out for 2 years. But then comes the time you realize one or two things and you need to do what's best. Taking matters into our own hands, being responsible and stop being dependent.

Taking matters into our own hands, being responsible and stop being dependent.

All wonderful things.

Just saying maybe should have done it without burning bridges. But i guess sometimes burning the bridge behind you motivates you to move forward on the other side of the river.

Also I understand it's hard to "work things out" when you're dealing with a decentralized group, specially one that are all busy doing other things and many who aren't interested in the same things. You kind of have to be self-sufficient.