
Interesting statistic! Thanks for sharing. 😊

... I have a calculator as hardware. That might be a touch slow to be effective. 😁

Single threaded mostly HIVED the actual software it runs on.
You need a linux box to run it as well. Use to have to compile it yourself.

I run my witness on a 12 core intel system at 2.0GHZ and 64GB of RAM and it does it without issue.. You need a pretty decent amount of storage however. > 900GB or so I'd say.

To be completely frank, I was completely joking around. This aspect flies so far over my head that I may have to hire airspace control to keep me safe. 😁

What I can confidently say is that this is indeed a lot of storage!

lol all good. I actually wrote the original STEEM Witness installation instructions.. There was literally only a smidgen of documentation on any of this stuff at the start.

Take it easy captain.

That's pretty incredible! It's great meeting one of the OGs of something so impactful. 😊

I hope to see Hive continue growing. Maybe your name will appear on Wikipedia as one of the founders of 'something' truly tremendous some day!

All good in the hood. I have some popular unpopular opinions about it all but such is life. Have been around since the start and thought it would be bigger than it is, but also realize it's still quite niche and whatnot.

on Steem I was witness rank 7 at one point. On HIVE I am currently rank 52 or some shit.

Hopefully I don't end up in Wiki.. better to be a silent protagonist than a public celebrity type. :P

Or atleast that is what my introvert ass thinks.


I understand. The impact will remain there even if your name isn't out there!

Web 3.0 is still very early, so we have time and room to grow. I have ideas...!