Poetry | Love Rain

in CELF Magazine3 years ago

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It was raining heavily the day I met you
I was looking at you when you were waiting for the train
You were soaked and dripping wet
Picture of you I can't forget
I couldn't stop stiring at you

I chatted a little with you
I asked you when you will be leaving the train station
You smiled and said to me, I'm here because of you
I really felt this words, we chatted more for a long time
You told me everything about you, and I told you everything about mine

We exchanged numbers and arranged to go on a date
We joked and prayed for it not to rain again
We chatted as we walked home together
I was in the army and you were a nurse

We were in a serious relationship for a week
they were the happiest moments I ever had in my life
It was time for mission, I had to go
I promised to be back and make you my wife
I kissed you and promised to love you more
You never wanted me to go

The raining was still falling when I walked away for my mission
I wish I could stay and be with you