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RE: The Power to Own

in Economics2 years ago

Stunning read, this is basically to say that ownership is not truly infinite or perfect as we can suffer external restrictions even for things we have worked for. I can relate to bank stopping people from withdrawing their money even if these people reserves the right to completely use or have the money however they want or desire. However I think formal institutions are why people can never attain infinite control and even even if outrightly possess ownership, their are external factors that can act as huge limitations.
As for Rishi, a lot of people have been saying a nobody became a UK prime minister, but you've totally talked about how he's attained affluence over the years and finally hit the jackpot.

@tipu curate.


It is a power game. The few want to control the many. They want to create the impression that they are protecting people's freedom and property. This is so that people are willing to accept this arrangement. The past few years have shown that people have very little security from the powerful. Possessions and freedom can be easily taken with a few quick policy changes. Society needs to take care of itself and not be at the mercy of the few.