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RE: Teaching and Learning Philosophy

in Economics3 years ago


Education is a lifelong endeavor, which begins with teaching our children to think, reason, deduce the truth and figure things out. We use to say that certain people were book smart and others were street smart. In reality both were adapting to their respective environments, but the book smart people were woefully prepared to think and figure things out out. Ironically the street smart person had an easier time adapting to school then the book smart people have adapting to life.


I think the book smart people become so accustomed to being served up information that they lack the need to solve unique problems or search for answers outside the paradigm they are told is correct.

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Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head. We are impressed by the regurgitation of information and overlook problem solver skills or deductive reasoning skills, until we see them in action in real life, along with the rewards they bring.