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RE: The Attempted Rebirth of Stakeholder Capitalism

in Economics2 years ago

It is difficult to truly understand other people's motivations but their current and past actions offer a glimpse into their true intentions. Some people people act to accumulate wealth. Some people act because of other motivations but happen to have accumulated wealth along the way. Someone focused on accumulating wealth is not going to just stop doing so once they have accumulated a lot. This would be inconsistent with their observed behaviour. A person who became rich for a passion other than merely accumulating wealth are more likely to act more generously with their wealth.

In the case of FTX, Sam Bankman Fried was in it purely for the money. His actions always indicated that to be the case. Some of the people taken in by his claims such as sports stars like Tom Brady might have genuinely wanted to help society and the environment. These people have shown a passion for the sports they play and not necessarily the money they earn.