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RE: Economics versus Politics and Pundits

in Economics8 months ago

Cool. I'm curious as to how many libertarians feel the same way as you and Barton. I'm also curious regarding the popularity of the words "agorism" and "voluntaryism." Personally, I lean more towards calling myself a "fourth positionist," but I haven't yet made it far enough into The Fourth Political Theory to make such a commitment.


I like "agorism" because it opens a conversation about the agora and free markets in contrast to planned or manipulated economies. "Voluntaryism" is an awkwardly long word people tend to think just means "volunteering," but it does convey the idea of voluntary exchange and voluntary association as a fundamental principle. Of course, "anarchist" just means violence and disorder to most, and the media reinforces this stereotype at every opportunity in their capacity as apologists for the State. "Autarchism" and "panarchy" also have potential.

I like "agorism" too. I also like to call myself an "anarcho-nationalist," because it really fucks with people's heads (unless they are from eastern Europe, of course).

Best case scenario, it starts a conversation about the fact that the "nation" (страна) and "State" (государство) are two completely different things.
