3speak #uncensored this year's first harvest of the bell pepper plant

in 3shorts OLD3 years ago (edited)

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hello friends of the hive and fans of ¨3Speak¨ ¨ThreeShorts¨ I am sorry to know what is happening about censorship, unfortunately it is a fact that happens more frequently; I am blessed to have these pages to give your opinion in a different way, here they will never censor your materials

We are a family of farmers, we have been doing it for many years, and we do it with great affection

we make healthy procedures with the land and the fruits we sow

There is nothing more satisfying than planting the products that you will bring to the table, and feed your family


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Hello my dear friend @jlufer. How are you? It was great to see your bell pepper trees. Nice to see you can eat vegetables from your own land.
Have a great day.

how are you dear friend @ sumaiya777 good afternoon
It is very gratifying to be able to grow your own food, they are also healthier products.
Thank you very much for your kind words, you are very kind
have a beautiful afternoon

Very healthy to grow your own food organically.

How are you dear friend @joetunex good afternoon
There is no greater satisfaction than growing your own food
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support that you provide to my post
have an excellent and prosperous week