Step into the Past: Exploring Pakistan's Iconic Monuments

Asslamoalekum and hello to my Hive Pakistan Community. I hope you are all doing well. I am also doing pretty well. In today's post, I am going to share the beauty of my country Pakistan.

My country Pakistan is a paradise for tourists from all over the world. I will take you to the eye-catching places of Pakistan.

Badshahi Mosque:

The first monument that I am going to share with you is called Badshahi Mosque. This wonderful mosque is located in Lahore, the heart of Pakistan. People from far-off places come here to visit this historical mosque of Pakistan. Mughal Emperor Aurangzaib built this mosque. It is the symbol of Mughal Architecture. It is one of the largest mosques in Pakistan.


Faisal Mosque:

The second beautiful place which I am going to show you is " Faisal Mosque". It is located in the capital of Pakistan. The Faisal Mosque was built by King Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. The construction of the mosque was completed in 1986. This mosque attracts tourists from all over the world.


Meenar-e Pakistan

Meenar-e Pakistan is the national monument of Pakistan. It was built in 1960. In 1940 the Resolution of Independence was passed here in Iqbal Park Lahore. It is a symbol of the independence Movement. Tourists from all over the world come here to visit this iconic national monument of Pakistan.


Lok Virsa Museum

It is located in the Shakarparian hills. If you want to learn about Pakistani culture, you will have to visit this place. It is another beautiful place in my country Pakistan.


Nathia Galli Muree

Nathia Galli is located in the Muree. Muree is one of the coldest cities in Pakistan. People from all over Pakistan and even from abroad come here for a picnic in the summer season.


Margalla Hills

These beautiful mountains are located near to Islamabad. People come here in numbers with families for a picnic.


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Good bye till the next post.