A Fun Day Out || Foggy Days and Mongoray Fields Experience the Joy of Harvesting Mongoray ||

in HivePakistan3 months ago

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Hello my dear #3speak and hive community

In winter, when there is fog all around, the harvesting of mongoray is a very attractive sight and I along with some of my friends and students went to the mongoray field and harvested mongae with my own hands. It was a lot but a lot of fun. This mongoray crop actually grows from the seed of a special type of radish and is a vegetable. His taste is very rare. It is cooked in different ways. It is a very useful vegetable and has numerous benefits. This crop is eaten raw as well as cooked. Today's video is very great, so let me take you on a tour of the mongoray field. we are harvesting the mongoray crop.

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Hey wow what a beautiful scene. Harvesting scene in misty winter morning is really mesmerizing.The walls of the crop fields are very beautiful.But your country is still foggy and cold.It's hot in our country.Thanks for sharing a beautiful video.

i harvested this crops winter, and it is very delicious vegitable, i ate it very much, its taste is really very nice, there always winter is very much fogy, but now weather is changing very soon, here we face winter mid of martch but this year witner was very much cold, thank you dear for appreciation