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RE: ✈️#911Truth Part 14: Building 7 Turning to Dust for Over 7 Hours (Fast Forward 45X Speed)

in MES 9/11 Truth4 years ago

Dear @valued-customer, I propose you a short exercise of CRITICAL THOUGHT in three questions, simple and effective:

  1. Have you ever seen the light emitted by thermite in action and compared it with the videos of the disintegration of the twin towers? What are the obvious differences?
  2. Given the enormous heat needed to disintegrate everything (steel, concrete, glass and various contents in the towers), can you tell me how many people were hospitalized on September 11, 2001 following the destructive event of the World Trade Center in New York?
  3. Is thermite able to transform the 107-storey structure into fine dust, so much so as to leave the survivors unscathed (and not burned) on a third-floor staircase and not crushed by 107 floors that a few seconds earlier were above them nor burnt to death by the very high heat theorized to generate the "mythical molten steel"?

If you prefer to believe (presumed) authority, you are free to do so... but do the beliefs spread by AE911Truth go against the logic and evidence of the facts?


@forensic911 I wouldn't worry too much about the disinfo agent "valued-customer". He is just here to push the same usual bogus controlled opposition lies.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

You're still pushing the bogus non-existent explosives and AE911truth disinfo?

This isn't the place for your lies and willful ignorance.