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RE: Trying Again, Leveling Up, and Doing Nothing | My PD Digest #2

in Personal Development2 years ago

I know! When it's raining in the morning, you just want to cuddle up in your bed. 😅 I've been trying different things to make it easier to wake up or to make it more difficult to go back to sleep like using an alarm clock and putting my phone outside my room. The day feels like it's much longer when you wake up early. 😁

Thanks, Klause!


What I do right now is let my dog sleep in my room. So when nature calls to him, I'm also forced to get up. hahahaha

You're welcome!

 2 years ago  

My dog used to be my alarm clock as well. He would scratch at my door and bark outside my room early in the morning. He doesn't do it anymore though. I wonder why.