5 Small Habits I Do Everyday

In my previous post, I mentioned that one of the things I learned from the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear, is the idea on building small habits I would do everyday.

In this post, I would share with you 5 habits that I do everyday!

1. Read Verse of the Day and Devotional.

I have been using this bible app called, You Version. It has this verse of the day part, which I added as a widget on my tablet screen. I now make sure to read it right after waking up in the morning!

Another thing I read in the morning is the Didache. It is a devotional book by The Feast, a Catholic Charismatic Church were I go to. I don't have the physical book, but they have it on the Feast app, so that's were I read it daily.

I like starting my day with these devotionals because they serve as my guide the entire day or a reminder when certain circumstances arise.

2. Learn Hangeul

This mainly for fun. As a Kdrama fan, I kind of tried learning Hangeul before but then stopped right away. I guess I just didn't have the right drive and motivation to do so. Haha. This time, this is still for fun, but I think I am more motivated to really spend time doing it.

At first, I relied fully on the app called, Duolingo, because I didn't ant to feel pressured. In Duolingo, it feels like a game. But after weeks of doing it, I started to get bored, so I decided to find other ways of learning, like watching videos on Youtube! I still haven't mastered the hangeul (Korean alphabet), but I am so happy to learn just a few syllables a a time! Wahaha. This is how we write my nickname in hangeul: 미마 HAHAH simple joys in life.

3. Read a book

As I also mentioned in my previous post, I started this habit of reading at least a chapter or a few pages a day. This way, I get to consistently read without the pressure of finishing a book quickly. This also now serves as my last activity before sleeping (instead of scrolling through Instagram or Tiktok! haha). So far, with this habit, I already got to finish reading physical books and 1 audio book, and is halfway through another physical book. hihi Small things do matter!

4. Gratitude List

They say that one of the ways to destress and stay on ground is being grateful, and I agree to that. One of the things I started doing at night is making a list of the things I am grateful for for that day. I include even the most mundane or small thing, like laughing with my niece or morning cuddles with my dog. The smaller and simpler the thing is, the better. I noticed that doing this helps me appreciate life more. It also helps me in controlling negative emotions. Like when certain circumstances arise, I try to look at the bright side of it. Of course, it isn't easy, but it help to know that bad moments are just moments, and there are more things to be grateful for.

By the way, I am using an app called, Presently, for this. It would be nice to use a physical notebook for this, really, but there are times when I already turn off my light and forget to write my list down. So having it in my tablet is more convenient for now.

5. Journaling

I am not a planner notebook girlie, but I am absolutely a journal notebook girly! I have a physical notebook where I write things I want to remember and things I just want to express. But I don't do this daily because I don't like the pressure of not missing a day, writing about my day. But at the same time, I want to remember the small things that happened in my day.

So I decided to find an app which can serve as my e-journal. I am currently using an app called, DailyLife. This app makes me track my mood of the day! And on those days when I don't have the energy to write anything, I just add some photos of the things I did. This also encourages me to take photos for memories! No need to be perfect, as long as it captures what I wanna remember!

If you reached until here, thank you! I hope you got a tiny bit inspired to also start your own daily habit. It doesn't even have to be 5 things. Just 1 is enough! Like simply waking up or sleeping at a certain time or drinking a number of liters a day.

Reflect on yourself to have an idea what areas you want to improve or learn. :)

Have a wonderful day!

Stay sane and safe!
Let's spread happiness.


This is M's online journal. Join her as she reminisce memories, discover new things, or simply vomit words on pages. Sometimes she is an artist; other times she is the art.


I am currently reading the Atomic Habits🥰🥰

It's sooo good, right??? Simple concepts yet powerful!

yesyes, you're right! 🥰