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RE: Time Flies When Having Fun!

in Personal Development5 months ago

I honestly believe that the "small" changes make the biggest difference but I honestly believe that changing diet and meditation are quite big changes and parts of the base of a healthy happy life. If you use a bit of that discipline that helps you to cycle for this things you are good to go!
Watching the documentary you are what you eat(twin experiment) on Netflix might also help for that little bit extra motivation :)
I personally have always walnuts and pumpkin seeds close for when I need to eat something.


Meditation is quite doable for me. I do it first thing in the morning. Even before getting out of bed :D The food thing is more of a challenge. Watched the Netflix thing you suggested (first not realising it was a multi episode one :p). That was quite motivating, thanks! Still manage to keep with it all. Nuts to fight craving is a good idea too!

That meditation right after waking up is such a good habit! I am a undisciplined piece of trash in the morning, waking up isn't my best quality so meditation so early.. I know it would be so good but my discipline level doesn't agree.
That is also my problem with food I guess. When I am with my parents I eat all the unhealthy food but when I am alone I just don't buy it anymore. There is not such thing as "only one cookie".
Falafel is my new healthy airfryer snack by the way. I make it and throw it in the freezer and eat it with some unhealthy sauce but it is still quite healthy :)