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RE: Orchid Update! Part 2 ~ No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Ahhh that sucks for ya. Guess you are in the same boat. lol. I suppose that most of my good deeds go unnoticed and have more of a positive affect on my overall life, so that's something to be grateful for. I may have learned my lesson with the Orchid and will change a few things next time I try to stake things up.


Good luck with that. If your good deed didn't end up on a long phone conversation with a pissed off parent, you are doing much better than me!

Yikes. Nope. I did handle a few mad people yesterday.. Various customer complaints that made their way to the top rather quickly.. but NO CRAZY PARENTS! I've heard stories of such creatures and did not believe they existed until now. lol untitled.gif

I don't miss retail or any of that kind of stuff at all. I went into tech so I could deal with computers not people! :) It's amazing how many people skip the chain of command and just call the Superintendent up directly.