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RE: Orchid Update! - Things Are Looking Wonderful :-)

in Orchid Lovers • 3 years ago

Reading your post meshes me cry! 😭😭. I still miss my dead cat, Snow. I just looked at his old photos the other days. But I know he is now in a better place of reincarnation. So I should be happy for him; memories can play havoc on emotions at times.

We have a saying at funerals: “the dead one no longer has to suffer in this life any more; we the livings still have to try to survive amidst all worldly problems. So, I look forward to meeting Snow in his new form one day.

Beautiful orchids to comfort you!
I count my blessings as I have two lovely cats with me.


Yes.. your two cats are a terrific comfort to you, as Molly is to us. A much better place awaits us all! Thank you for the kind and heartfelt words. They help me more than you know 😊