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RE: Orchid Update! Part 2 ~ No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

in Orchid Lovers2 years ago

Pepper! Anyway, if I could get one single orchid to rebloom, I would be elated! This is amazing, despite the one loss. Boy I'll bet you keep hearing that snap, hopefully it's not waking you up at night


lol. Not loosing any sleep over it, but I learned my lesson.. I think. hehe. Yeah, poor Pepper. Seems like just the other day we were playing and hanging out together. Rough to think about him. You can get those orchids to bloom. Try taking them out of their pots, breaking away all of the dead material at the very bottom, repotting in new bark and make sure not to over water them. Move it to a brightly lit but not direct sunny area. Maybe a little orchid food and I thin it will happen for ya!

Thanks for the tips!!!