
no please dont overwater .. she can survive when dry but not when she drowns ;-) and keep her warm and humid .. in a bright environment, maybe a bathroom with a window to west or east .. I bought a special growth lamp for my green invaders here and a steamer - but I am plemplem, I talk to them and listen, what they tell me .. ;-) usually I rescue plants from the organic-garbage where people dump them although they are still alive and most of them survive and take over here ;-) Is this a Strelitzia outside of your window on pic number one ??

Oh you sound like the right person!

This is from the outside. We have a flowering aloe, hibiscus and the big green banana leaf type thing. It might be a male strilitzia because it doesn’t flower. But it needs a serious trim.

hach thats sooo beautiful .. I have only an appartement on 4th floor with 3 windows to the east .. and half of my rooms are already a small jungle ;-) This Strelitzia seems to be a Nicolai or Alba and they build stems after a while .. they need a few years to flower .. let her grow, she will build a stem and then white-blue blossoms while the Strelitzia Reginae builds a bush and makes this wonderful orange blossoms .. but remains a bush with no stem and starts earlier to make blossoms .. you can see the difference when comparing the leaf-form ! The first one is a Nicolai or Alba making a stem and only flowers when older and the second and third pic is a Reginae .. a bush with very different sword-like leaves ..

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Yes that’s right!! My folks have the top one and my in-laws have the bottom one! So many around here. This is the only section that was originally in my garden. The rest around the house is all newly planted succulents because we need to be very water-wise here in the western cape. We’ve come out of a 3 year drought thank goodness. Lots of rain this season.