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RE: The power to engage

Comments do help, and I am glad I was able to help with providing a start so you could post and comment. That I think is one of the biggest failures of the on boarding of new people to Hive. First day they can run out of resource credits to fast, and who really wants to wait five days before they can post or comment.

I think that is what happened to one of the people, he had zero HP, and we were to late to give a boost to them I think. I am glad that some of you are sticking it out.


I'm doing my best to use the resources I have. I hope someday I'll be helping newcomers too. In that way, I can keep the wheel spinning.

Waiting all that time to do stuff sounds awful. I would quit if I had to wait that long to do anything.

hope someday I'll be helping newcomers too.

You can help them now by commenting on their posts, making them feel welcome. So many think support has to be financial...It's doesn't. It's amazing the power a comment has and the effect it has on someone who may usually get none.

I'll what I can to help people feel welcome.

Just a nice comment goes a long way on a new users post, or even someone that is not so new. I was surprised to see a couple post of people leaving because they feel they get more attention on other sites. One day hopefully Hive will have the numbers to match some of those other trolling sites, but at least we don't have a lot of bad seeds on the Hive block chain.

Nice comments on posts it will be then. Hopefully, it will be a site where people can grow.

I think that is what happened to one of the people, he had zero HP, and we were to late to give a boost to them I think.

Yes, quite probably. A shame really.

It is. I have noticed that hive keychain provides some HP to new accounts, but I am unsure how a new user gets it or if it is only available by signing up through them. There is help out there, just not enough how to get it places for the new users.

It's a complicated landscape is it not? I recall getting on here in June 2017...Without tarazkp it is unlikely I would have. He made it easy. Even then it took him six months to harangue me into it. For someone who knows no one I imagine it would be difficult. You're right, there is help, it's just sifting through the other stuff to find it that's the problem. Also, many don't help themselves which is a whole other set of issues.