
Well you know what's going to happen right, you're going to get past your probation period and then decide it's better not to tell us about it in case they realise they were wrong about you and drop you inside the first actual week, and after you get past the first actual week well rinse repeat for the first actual month, and then you'll start thinking about it again but your paranoia level has developed so high that you're certain you're going to jinx it if you tell anyone about it so you'll just stay quiet and keep your head down and keep working and never tell anyone about it ever XD

I'm sure you'll be fine, if nothing else you can tell us how the probationary period went when you're through it ;D

Sigh... it is like you are inside my head!

It's a very common feeling ;D

One of the (many x_x) ways I've been trying to get over things like that is to just post about it anyway. Like sometimes I don't want to post the weekly progblogs because I haven't made much progress from the last one and I feel like I'm wasting people's time, but then I decided that I always see success everywhere I look so this way if I'm also posting fails then other people who might be silently reading might see that I try and fail and it's fine coz you get knocked down and then get up again (never gonna keep me down!) and feel okay about trying and failing too XD