in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)


Image pixabay tracygem

This is My hive 5 o’clocky blog for today is a continuance of the #CORONAHOMESCHOOLDIARY

Four children, keeping white couch clean, always speak with two words, toiletseat up and no iPad after 5, call grandparents, say thank you, help with the dishes, walk the dog, throw your dirty pants IN the wash basket, go study, don’t put empty bottles back in the fridge, don’t pull all his hair and also always be consistent - how the hell do those other mothers do that ?! Don’t get me wrong i love them to death and i think i did well on the making process, but this homeschool thing is putting the war zones up.

These last few days in our Corona confinement we are going MAD! Mad mad mad, like we all will die not from the virus but from eachother or our kids. Well sorry its not that bad but they miss the social things, and I don't mean the socials on a screen. The being in school and playing soccer and hang out socials.

But ok, back to them, the kids, our offspring. They really do exist: children who - even though the home school day is almost finished - still walk around with spotless clothes and shirts without a single stain from lunch. And also still with gel in their hair. Who finished all their homework and give mum a kiss and go read a 1000-page book. But when I read all the app messages from befriended mums in school and now as I am homeschooling those sweethearts, I wonder.

You have friends with whom it never takes longer than 2.5 seconds before you get an answer to WhatsApp. But these days its mad. I often turn my phone of, and thats a new for me with screen time of 3hours plus a day. Those friends can have an entire app conversation without having to go offline seventeen times for a shorter or longer period of time. I am not such a person, these days with all thats happening and new, i am proud if I answer within 2.5 hours, or answer at all.

I always say that it is because I have children and if I just point to my phone, there is a bloody discussion about who is more entitled to it, but that may not be the reason because in that 2.5 second the group of homeschooling mums and sweet mothers, it now is a way to escape sanity. To ask the answers to questions we all don’t know. But when I do enter the app convo I am presumably the only one doing something completely wrong in terms of efficiency, homework wise.

Now I actually think that this is based on coincidence, being normal working mums, and now with forced rules pumped into the profession of teachers for 4,5 hours a day , and in my case two different age groups. So this “ i am the teacher ” is mainly to self-protect, because unfortunately I am not blessed with the teaching patience, and haven’t gotten the chance to look into all that is needed to get by for 4,5 hours. Now in those app convos some claim to have applied the golden solution for this. What the golden handle is exactly, unfortunately I still have to find out the secret. I would pay some steem for that, might make this transfer to being a bee so much easier. Talking about being a bee, i am a working bee, i use to be the queen bee, not anymore. I have 3 professions in one and have so much fun, or do i??

Today i had a weak moment and turned on my phone and saw that they were talking about screen time. Well with the homeschool program the kids have to watch clips from their daily teacher and do the work that goes with it. So when i saw iPad, i said that i thank god for that shiny silver flat beauty. And the answer was , within 1 sec : Well offcourse you're happy with the iPad, but they have to be behind the screen to long a day this way. Fuck me!!! I was blessed this way to have some down time, and i think that what the teacher offers i have to oblige RIGHT? That is extra. But out came the other mother with the ins and outs of the "kids at five o'clock" phenomenon. Again fuck me, does she know my ‘ HIVE at 5 ‘ already its been running for 2 days now..... But, NO she didn't have an iPad. And she was still alive. I still wonder how. She was saying to me i should be lucky to have one, ( i didnt dear to tell we have two ) so i can have downtime for me! Well those days are over for sure untill 1 June.

So my apologies, but me time these days is only when i shut my eyes, after I have a meet with @jamerussell to welcome all the new people to the chain and thats it. Blogging is different, life is different, that virus is killing, we all have to adjust. An we , I will do that with an iPad for both kids and as i said to the mum without one, go online tonight for MEtime and order an early birthday-christmas-Mother’s day gift and you will love me eternally.

This was my rant for today, after I went to “ kiss and hugg” my sweet offspring of which i think they are well built and grow up with a great hart.

My daily blog on steem got a sister on hive now , My 4 o’clocky is now the big sister to HIVE O’CLOCK at five every single day. I have done over 700 clocky blogs. My signature daily blog ! I know alot of you read it and that gives me the drive to be in your life with my thoughts and ideas every day. About 2 + years ago I’ve written about the ‘best’ time to submit a blogpost so you’ll receive worldwide exposure. I came up with the term 4 o'clocky and I thought this was a good time to make a blogpost every day at 4 o'clock local time with this title. Every day I’ll submit a blogpost about something that keeps me busy, a challange, a contest or something important enough to share so lets blog on and see you every day in the afternoon! Now at 5 o’clock aswell!


Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated and remember Focus on Being creative instead of being bee-zy.

Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results.

Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer.

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

I am a proud member off the #theTerminal #powerhousecreatives #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and #steemitmamas. Co founder for @theterminal, @heyhaveyamet and @steem-aide

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me. @brittandjosie originals. Sources used : Pixabay and Pexels and with others its mentioned in my blog. I only use a canon camera and my iPhone.

I would like to thank you for Reading my blog, feel free to leave me any feedback, if not, read you next time.


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Good luck in this crazy mq5wwk.png time@brittanjosie...😉

A special stay at home art for me thank you i look like that by now hahah

Haha..;did you make something special to you hair ..? a9ody9.png

Thats my homeschool teacher hair do hahahah

Ugh! Oh yeah, I come across those parents, too, who seem to have the perfect children, who do everything, babysit others, drive five people to the airport at three different times, and still have time to make supper. I think it's all a facade. I think away from the camera they're screaming lunatics.

You're going to get through this!

I will bit to be A social is hard, and being a teacher is also hard, and to leave you beloved blog platform behind you is hard..... now i will go and lacquer my nails and feel better hahahhahhah

I can only try to understand how difficult these times must be for people with kids at home - I am actually glad that mine are all grown up - and there is no doubt that you love them just because it gets too much - Wish you all the strength you need to get through this :)