Hive Creative Contest | A Story of Faith, Hope, Love//LOVE can change everything

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)


My children are the product of love

There is no better love story than a mother's love for her children. So my story is going to be all about LOVE.

My children are everything to me, for them I give my life if necessary. They are the most beautiful thing that could happen to me in this life and for that I give infinite thanks to God.

Today I want to tell you only a part of how my first son Israel arrived and on another occasion I will tell you about Fabian.

I remember that in the year 2000 I had just had a very big loss with my 8 year old nephew Bryan who was suffering from a terrible disease "Leukemia". I had given myself to him body and soul and all my love and all my being were completely his, I lived only to make him happy and I would have given any marrow that was necessary for him to live but we were never going to make compatible according to science.


We had already spent 3 years fighting with chemotherapies and tests, they were practically 3 years locked up in a hospital where the best doctors were and we were very well treated and attended; but that was not enough. On March 3, 2000, he left this world with nothing more to do.

God in his immense wisdom, had prepared a very big surprise for me and my family, just a month before the stork had visited me, I never expected that to happen, but they say that God's time is perfect and he knows how and why things happen.


My months passed slowly after that, the only thing that gave me that encouragement and hope was knowing that my son was growing inside of me and that I had to be there for him. Little by little I got used to my new life, there were no more clinics or labs, no more laundry, no more food, no more standing guard at any hospital. Everything now revolved around my baby who was soon going to come to light up our lives.


When they told me I was going to be a boy I was immensely happy, it was as if the world, life, was giving me back the child I had lost. I dreamed about Bryan and I thought about his face, his eyes, his smile and I loved it.

I remember that one afternoon my mom saw me looking at a picture of Bryan that I had in my living room and she said, "They say that if you're pregnant and you look at the face of a baby a lot that you like the baby that's coming, you can get it just the same." I don't know if that was a joke or not, but it's something I never forget.

I don't know if that was a joke or not, but it's something I never forget. Little by little I made all the baby's things myself, his blankets, the crib, sheets, I decorated his room with a huge drawing on the wall of Winnie the Pooh and together with my sister we went shopping to choose the most beautiful thing he could find. Together we overflowed with all the love we felt and gave it to this baby who still had no name.

To choose it I wanted to leave it to destiny or to God himself, so I put the two names I liked the most in a bag Israel Alexander and the other Israel Alexander, the first time the second name came out and I insisted that we had not moved the bag properly, so we repeated it and I tell you that once again Israel Alexander came out, we laughed a lot since Alexander was his father's name and tradition says that he has to carry it, so I felt satisfied and thanked God for that.

On October 5, 2000, at 8:30 a.m., Dr. Arelis placed that little boy in my arms and I kissed him on his forehead. They immediately took him away, but my mind does not forget that he was wrapped in a white robe, as if he had been bathed in milk or had had a lot of cream spread all over his body.

It was definitely the best moment of my entire existence, seeing my son's face I can only feel love.

My son Fabian

To tell you the story of my son Fabián I would have to make another post so as not to lengthen my story, but I really love you both and I would like to have you forever by my side.

I liked very much to meet with this contest this week because I have the feelings at the surface, I hope you like it, and I hope that many people join to participate, our friend @Zord189 always puts us to participate in exciting contests, if you want to know more about ek of this week I leave you the link



Pictures taken from our family album, old film cameras.

Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png



La familia es la bendición más grande que Dios nos regaló. Mil bendiciones para ti y tu familia🤗

Muchas gracias mi zully por tus bendiciones, asi es, debemos cuidar mucho de nuestros hijos y estar pendientes de ellos para que nunca sientan nuestra falta y nuestro cariño.

Amen carolinacardoza

I enjoyed your story of love. I am sorry that you lost Bryan but God gifted you two sons.
I love that you write about your faith in God and seeking His will.
Although you mentioned only love you also has faith and hope in your story.

Bryan is in our hearts and I remember him with much joy and love. Thank you for your support, my friend.

You're welcome. Have a wonderful day. 🌼🌻🌼

🎁 Hi @carolinacardoza! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @hope777!

@hope777 wrote lately about: Unbelievable❓❓- Believe It❗❗❗ Feel free to follow @hope777 if you like it :)

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Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee



Con el apoyo de la familia.

Nada como dar vida a la vida, hermosa historia, ser madre es lo mejor del Universo. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Mi apoyo en el #toptres @carolinacardoza

Verdad que si, dar la vida es un privilegio hermoso, Dios en su inmensa sabiduria nos ha dado ese chance y ahi es donde volcamos todo este amor que sentimos por dentro.

Los hijos son nuestro mayor orgullo.

Así es, y estos hijos mios me han llenado de muchos de esos momentos, doy inmensas gracias a la vida por eso, feliz día mafalda hermosa

Love story are always tne best for me. God always know better

Hola isgledys, gracias por tu apoyo amiga, saludos desde Guatire, estamos a la orden por aca, jejje