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RE: How to solve mental health issues in a local community

Great article.
Isn't it incredible that for so many centuries the medical sector has been so adamant about curing physical ailments (by whatever 'means' necessary) and at the same time have been so determined to ignore and even stigmatise people with mental health illnesses, but yet it is so blatantly obvious that the brain and the body are so intrinsically connected that they have deep impacts upon each other and for some reason, even in the 21st century medical sector, this simple logic is still denied not only in western society, but unfortunately so sooo many other countries where mental health illness simply 'do not exist' or are a 'westerners disease'...

Good on you for writing about 2 topics that are completely opposite to each other in terms of societal acceptance.

I mean, people really don't want to accept Alzheimers or Dementia because they really are rotten diseases, but there it is and it is a globally acknowledged illness of the brain that thousands are working on the prevent, eradicate and create the awareness of.

And then there's Schizophrenia. A hell of a lot of people have it, but no-one wants to know about it- or them. Especially non-medical people.

I am not going to pretend that I know anything about it, but I do know that a have a few friends that have it and apart from the impact of the side effects from long term use of their medication, you would never know.
This is what they do.

Their are true champions and they are champions for the cause to empower others that suffer from not only the illnesses, but also the stigma attached.
Thank you.


Thanks for the link it is absolutely a brilliant organization. I have listened to the one video, will sure check out some more.

I am their mentor in video production and this is me- my doco about helping females in the mental health system. I'm editing it now. I have juts cut a 40min version to submit to the royal commission into mental health that we're having here in Australia at the moment and then the feature length version I am cutting will be broadcast on tv aswell as other platforms.

Brilliant! I will check it out tonight!