Working from home - [Tababocas machine made]


It is an easy procedure to do, something that we want and need from the comfort of our home, recyclable articles, that is, materials that we have at home.

What can we use?

  • Fabric of any color.
  • Scissors to cut.
  • Threads of any color.
  • In this case: a sewing machine, to do the job.

For this job of making the "face mask" at home, in the machine we need to have everything ready and that implies: Threading the thread in the machine, adjusting everything, the type of stitch, placing the thread that passes through the center of the needle.

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Once everything is ready, we proceed to sew.

I have shown here part of the seam so that you can see how it looks before it is finished.


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Ready and finished


I hope you can do it at home, with any mold of your choice. Remember to adjust it to your face.