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RE: A Leap Of Faith Into The Snowy Night

I was actually thinking about investing some actual crypto in my dCity city last night. I made 200 hive off my Splinterlands in-game currency DEC so I figured let's use half of that, 100 hive, to see what I can do to get some returns on dCity. I actually bought a couple things off you! I think 3x apartments hehe.


My city's population this morning was 56. 108 hive later, I'm now in the top 400! Hopefully I can get my homeless and immigrants to convert to workers soon but I'm liking the 151 SIM a day income, I will certainly be re-investing that as often as I can to get more cards either via the market or buying 1st or 2nd editions.


That's a good start. Taxes make it more difficult now. But you can still try to make progress by trading. Starting players have problems with the population being not enough but due to saturation of the entire market, homes are cheap to buy from other players.

Yeah, I was able to snag quite a few homes for really cheap and a bunch of luxury homes as well lately. I do like the bang for your buck the apartment offers over the others but they are a bit expensive!

Hoping I can maintain top 400 and better so that I can get a little bit of the hive rewards!

I think you'll be able to maintain it, as long as you make some progress.