
I'd say both since it is a co-creation process. Sort of like how nazi Germany came go be: Hitler talks, and upon seeing a positive reaction he puts more gas into the fire, reflecting back what the crowd wanted in an ever strengthening feedback loop. Hitler was like the mirror of the collective unconscious.
I guess now the mirror is reflecting back our desire to give up control over our lives for the sake of convenience and entertainment.

and upon seeing a positive reaction he puts more gas into the fire, reflecting back what the crowd wanted in an ever strengthening feedback loop.

Yes. Hitler wouldn't have been possible without the demand for his views. We can blame him, but that isn't the case at all - in another set of social conditions, that same group that followed him, would have rejected him instead.

I guess now the mirror is reflecting back our desire to give up control over our lives for the sake of convenience and entertainment.

This is why there has to be pushback - we are repeating history.

I agree that the platform reflects the users' behaviour. So until people do not change their consuming habits regarding social media, entertainment, the platform will remain at the same level as their consumers. Demand more and you will receive more. Demand quality and you will receive that. Demand crap and you'll get that too. The same works with violence. Those who instigate towards violence end up being caught in the violence they once asked upon. The laws of Universe are.... universal

users of course, it is a buying decision. Supply follows demand and a company is driven by making profits, not from the good it can do. They leverage the decisions we make to increase their values, not ours - it is up to us to change what we demand.

So until the users don't change, the platform will be what it will be.

All platforms, all companies, all governments.