Street Fighter and Why it is One of my Favorite eSports Games


Street fighter, one of the memorable fighting games back in the days on the 8 bit and 16bit consoles. This was probably among the list of one of the most played fighting games back then, and I have to say, it was one of my best games back then as well. Street fighter was a very fun game to play and enjoy and one of the things I really liked about the game was the Kos and the combos. The character styles were very interesting, very different to mortal kombat which for me was the best fighting game back in the days by a country mile.

Street fighter for ps4 is a different animal compared to what is used to be back in the days on the 16bit console. As expected, the graphics is so amazing now and the gameplay have become even more fun to play. I used to like playing street fighter back in the days on my sega console, however, I think I like it even better now. It has gotten a lot better and advanced that the gaming experience is up the roof.

The cool thing about this game though is even though the graphics is a lot advanced now, they game still maintains the art style which also adds to the awesomeness of the game and why street fighter is where it is today. The cartoony style and colourful game environments adds its own style and flavor to the gaming experience, different from other amazing fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Tekken. Another fun element of the game I like a lot is the animation that plays when a character receives a severe hit. Really funny. Also I like how each character has its own unique moves. The ability to throw fireballs and do KOs adds to the awesomeness of the game as well. Also here

It is true that not everyone would enjoy playing the game as people have their own preferences and what they like in a fighting game… Some gamers only play mortal kombat, while some only play tekken, and while there are some who like to play any game that are fun and interesting to play, like myself, as I like to explore and get different experiences from different games. Anime loves will most likely love this game as it has the anime style and feeling to it. I am not really a huge fan of anime movies, but I have to say, straight fighter is so much fun to play especially playing against friends. One of the awesomeness of battle games. This is a great game to play while having some fun with friends. Overall, I like street fighter a lot, maybe not as much as I like mortal kombat, but I like is very well. There are so many elements in the game that adds to the fun in the gameplay hence why there are millions of gamers who are a huge fan of street fighter.