
That is one of the most terrible things imo.
Daddy never legally adopted mama's children, who loved him as if he WERE their Father.
Daddy's children by his first marriage (the eldest daughter especially) resented my mama as if she had CHOSEN to displace their mama (who died shortly after my brother Joe was born)
Daddy had 4 children, the last an INFANT who needed a mama, Mama's family had been a farm family, when Mr Loren got sick and eventually died, they had sold all the livestock and even their seed stock (this was around 1946) to pay for his hospital bills.
Daddy swore me to secrecy when he told me that "they were literally in rags when we married"
Thanks again @dswigle

The fact that it is such a terrible thing doesn't make it not happen. You would be very surprised to find that in the most upscale families, this happens also. In that case not so much with the money because they're usually there's a will oh, but it is the personal things that the siblings will almost come to blows over. Which is ridiculous because it's not going to bring anybody back from the dead. I've seen it happen with my own eyes and I cannot believe that civil people behave this way. I'm sorry the way things panned out for you, and I wish it were different. Human can be heartless and cruel. However oh, I do wish you a happy early birthday and a wonderful weekend.

Thank you Denise. I may stay in bed with my head under the covers all day tomorrow.
(That is my birthday, Aug 9, 1955)

Don't you dare! Do with your birthday on August 9th. In my family there are three out of the nine kids that are born in August. Me being one of them. So it's a good month. I insist that you do one fun thing for yourself. Even if it is to due to a diner and have a cup of coffee and just relax and enjoy the scene before you. I have found that sometimes I have to make my own happy and I make it work for me. There are times when that is the best that we can do. But at least it changes our perspective oh, it's only for a moment. So get your keister up tomorrow morning and even if you go for a walk or sit on your porch it will be a different look than under your pillow in the dark. I'm serious!