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RE: The power to engage

Up until these last few weeks, I did #MarketFriday which is pretty popular, especially with newbies. I had to give it a vacation after 3 1/2 years because Covid has ramped up my hours and literally my life.

Le sigh.

I will try to drop in as it is fun to mix it up. We all stepped down on the Engagement League to put new faces up top, I think that was pretty awesome! You have done the community well, and your encouragement has really helped people being onboarded. Thank you! I would love this place to get to that place again where your heart ramps up, just logging in.

And honestly, I have nothing to complain about. A wonderful man named @Twinner dropped 500SP on me when I first joined and I had no idea what it was, where it came from, or what a wallet was. Talk about clueless! He is and always will be my hero! Which is why I will help anyone I can. He didn't even know me.


I have seen MF and commented/upvoted/curangeled some too - A nice concept.

There's so many people doing things in the background, but I'd like to see more. I just wrote a comment to someone who said they hoped to help new people someday...


Help can take various formats and often it's just a little acknowledgement of a new accounts effort that can make a huge difference to whether they stay or not.

You know, the #weekend-engagement topic I do has handed out over 1900 hive directly to people's wallets, just for a comment...That's over the last 23 weeks. It's not a lot but it could be a huge boost to a brand new account right? Not just the hive, but the fact that so many people see their account commenting and getting involved. There were 800+ comments on one of the weeks, that's a lot of people to get exposed to...I wish more new people joined in, and more oldies spread the word.

Oh well, if wishes came true beggars would ride. So I'll just do what I do and enjoy it. That's al there is really.

You're lucky to have someone drop 500 on you...I know others who have had that happen also. It helps I guess.

I will continue with it, but, a few weeks off to regenerate a bit. I always appreciate the comments, upvotes, and curangel is a wonderful concept!

The 500SP was a delegation, but, it was for three months, so that was great. I have to say that you are right in the fact that comment means a lot. I can remember when someone I admired left me a comment for the first time. I was such a small nothing account and he took the time to make a generous comment, which taught me something very valuable. The man read my entire post and it was longer than I ever do now. I can tell he read the entire thing and took the time to comment on it all. That meant a lot to me that he took that time and not only read it but, gave me feedback on it. I have to say that right there is what makes me read and comment fully on each and every MF post. Which each person has taken the time to tell me how they can tell I read it all by my comment. Now, I am no big account or a big deal in any way, but, that makes my day.

I see how your engagement weekend post gets so many comments, nobody counts them anymore! I say Bravo!! and I seriously mean that! That is awesome! Now, don't comment back as this has nothing to do with your post and I just wasted a bunch of your space.

Thanks for listening. :)

Now, don't comment back as this has nothing to do with your post and I just wasted a bunch of your space.

Thanks for wasting my time...Feel free to waste it whenever you like.

I said space. :))

I saw that, but read it as time...It's not a waste of space or time though really, I'm always pleased to get comments.