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RE: Trigger music

Of course you love Joe Satriani 😁 you shredder!

Funny, because as a musician, I don't listen as much music as I used to. I realized that it kinda clouds my songwriting process, especially at the moment when I have to write a new song every day. I am also a sponge, so I don't want anyone influencing my work.

When I was working as customer support last year doing long hours, I was listening to movie soundtracks, The Lord Of The Rings put me in the right calm state, and also the series Vikings soundtrack has an effect on me I cannot explain, it's like caffeine to my ears.

When @rubido comes for a beer we put some drum and bass, or hip hop.

But music is here definitely everyday, I teach the kids, I am trying to get my son to sing "I'll be there" by Jackson 5, a tough one but he is so good at reproducing someone else's work. I am a music teacher, and realised I don't teach them enough music.

Do you still play sometimes?


Carvin' up that axe man! Lol...Or something like that.

Truth be told I played bass...At a very rudimentary level. I was good on the piano though, (better than good) and could get a squeak or two out the trumpet...No six-string skills though.

Song writing...Now that's an art. I can understand you don't want to be influenced. It's like when I wrote my book...I didn't read anything else.

Soundtracks are the best man...So good. I listen to so many. Oblivion is on repeat usually. It's great that you get the kids into it...Just banging a pot with a wooden spoon has value...Start it early. Get @rubido on it too. Lol.

Yeah, I play...Piano. I have one still. no trumpet or bass...I'm sure the neighbours are happy about that.

I hope my boy has musical talent, he has an interest. I'm the only one that cant play music in my family lol, I really wanna learn banjo...

Put an instrument in the kids hands, you'll soon know if they like it. Not that I'm a parent. Nature couldn't trust me to be. 🙂

Also, my wife plays the banjo. She is ok at it...Not great, but enjoys playing. Puts these little finger pick things on and plucks away. Sounds good.

Its what I wanna treat myself to for Christmas, a good old beaten up Banjo. Id feel bad playing something that looked new. I also wanna get the boy a few instruments, He plays around with a lot of my buddies guitars so that my be a place to start.

Its great she can pluck away! Im secretly envious of all my musical friends.

I think Santa better come good this year and bring you that banjo!