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RE: Lifestyle: "On Being Alone" by bonzopoe

These are very timely thoughts considering the current global health crisis we're in where interfacing via tele-screens are the new norm. Your post did make me think about couples having children in the following ways:

I remember as a child when I first learned about death. My older sister crystalized it for me perfectly "When you die, you go to sleep and never wake up." That was real to me and hit me like a ton of bricks.

So I went to my parents terrified that they were going to get old and die one day, and seeing my distress, they looked at each other, lied, and told me that they were not going to die and neither was I. It was what they thought I needed to hear at the moment, but later I found out the truth.

I remember being angry that now I would have to die because they wanted kids. Because trust me, If I had a choice of coming into the world or not, I would have declined and remained a thought bubble floating in the ether.

It's the fact that you don't know when or how you will pass. Will it be an easy death? Or a frightening struggle? Every kid walking around right now will face one of those two realities due to the decisions of their parents.

That brings us back to your post. I'm glad you're able to cope with the current situation, as one day this will all be over; both the global crisis, along with lonliness and life itself. Therefore: Live Well. :)



Thank you very much for your words and taking the time to share. Greetings from Mexico!