Dead data isn't for souls

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)


Hey you, listen to me. Does it really have to be a battle? Must we struggle eternally in conflict trying to figure out who’s right, who’s wrong and who we might call relevant? Can’t we just sit down, chill and write our brains out?

Life would be so much better this way, if we were friends. Why don’t you just relax, drink something fresh? Let’s go out for a beer.

Candida auris? Really? THAT’S what you were going to write about? A yeast that that kills people in hospitals?

Yeast doesn’t kill people in hospitals. Depression does. The lifeless, unmotivated atmosphere where people are data and drugs become food, that’s what kills people. The horrible smell of cleaning products and the lack of anything worth seeing is what makes you stiff.


So stop researching, you already know all the answers. Not because you’re a living library connected to vibrational archives of eternal existence (which you are), but because everything is quite simple and straightforward.

Nothing that is really important in life requires a microscope or a telescope to be seen. Human senses are more than enough to grasp to dance of eternity and play all the games existence can offer.


Oh, and that issue about Tron buying Steemit had you looking for data too, huh?

Do you love what you do?

Did you look into that today?

Relax, I’m not trying to bash on you, just want you to see where you’re energy is being misplaced.

Writing was a gift to humanity so that they would record the organic patterns of spiritual development, not a means of filling up papyrus, papers, CD’s and hard drives with tons of dead data. How many trees are worth a gigabyte of dead data?

You’ve already felt the vibrant sensations of allowing the soul to create. Why do you insist on the mind? Go back to the origin, recover the essence, merge with existence and forget the harassment of logic.

All problems were solved before your birth, your only task is to stop the mind from creating more.


Words have no meaning when they don’t open paths. Don’t waste your time speaking of where you shouldn’t go but rather proposing the roads where you could go. You’re really going to depress yourself if you keep up the self-sabotage.

Allow the revival of glittering highways driven by fractal dragons. Pour yourself into the vase and take its shape, I promise you won’t be trapped. Just the thought is enough for the guardian to pour you back into the sea.


You are magick, don’t ever forget this.


It's frustrating, but getting caught up in it is what does so many in. I've always had the ability to detach from the noise to a great extent, a trait for which I am grateful to say the least. I wish sometimes I could bottle it and give it away to the world.

No quick solutions for that one, life gave us the freedom to choose so every person must make the personal choice of finding detachment or not find it at all. Thanks for reading!


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Depression is a serious thing and I have gone thru a lot in a chapter in my life. Behind those smiles hides the sadness inside. That beer, good company and conversation sounds good and helps at times.

A well talked beer is great medicine for a depressed soul. Thanks for coming by!

One word: inspirational..

Love the post, @fenngen. It’s just the kick in the behind we need to realize how magical we are and how everything needed to find joy and health is right inside us. 💕

Thank you 😊

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Taking shape to becoming everything you dreamed of, letting go of the darkness lurking around, a good read @fenngen

@tipu curate

Thanks @joanstewart, glad you liked it!

Thanks for your post. Encouraging and inspiring. It's easy to get bogged down in everyday noise that detracts you. It only produces writer's block. Some distractions are necessary, but the ones that are not doesn't deserve a momen't thought.

We should never be blocked, we are the cosmos and know all that is necessary though we tend to forget. Thank you for reading!

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Well, that was interesting. So do you think Tron will actually buy Steemit, or is it all digital fluff?

I don't know, I think I'll be just as broke no matter who owns it lol. This post originated because I was trying to write a post that might get decent rewards but found myself not really digging into the topics I was researching so my inner guide tells me to stop the nonsense and write from the heart.

In the process of research I found out one of the co-founders of Tron left the project this year because it wasn't decentralized anymore according to his statement. There was also the issue with Tron foundation retaining much of the assets and Justin Sun being the leader of the organization as well, which seems pretty centralized to me.

So I don't know what will happen, but I think Tron buying Steemit isn't a good thing based on those issues. I'll try and do a post on this in a while. Thanks for reading!

Yeah, if they gave up on decentralization, then it might not be a good thing. Although, if it drives us all to drinking, it could be the best thing ever.

Some good stuff here my friend and well written.

Thanks for reading, blessings to you as well!

My pleasure my friend!

I came across that info about Torn buying Steemit. Do give an update if it's true or perhaps just fake news. Happy week to you! 😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android

To you too 😊 thanks for stopping by

Sounds like this comes from a place of deep pain. Hope you're okay. These are times that can rattle a person to the core.

A bit of frustration that needed to be channeled mainly. Thanks for reading!

You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine. How true and sad that we get caught up in that harassment of logic and dead data! All we need is to let be being - just be!
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We are magick aren't we? Nice discussion. Thanks.

Thanks for reading!

Very nicely written with some well thought out wisdom. It's easy, as human beings aware of our own mortality, to get caught up in modern life. It's not so easy to take a step back and try to detach from it.

Really nice food for thought.

Glad you could get something from it, thanks for reading!

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