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RE: Hive ‘s FIRST birthday ! So congrats to all of us.

It's good to see a few of the oldies around and still active Britt.; No, I'm not calling you old, just in reference to your blockchain age I guess. (Just clarifying, to avoid misunderstanding.)

We don't engage all that much, although I see you around, always being awesome, and it's great to have you around.

Yay for hive, one year and leaping forward. A good effort by all. Thanks for supporting at the front door. It doesn't go unnoticed.

Happy weekend.


Yeah you can call me old , and it’s great to see a group oldies still here and the fact you know some more of what their live is about is fun, and friendships online do exists and I never expected that!

There are a lot of things that can only be even more great on the platform in the future and seeing that, for me is one of the reasons for staying and the almost 4 years here.

Thanks for the Compliment I appreciate it, and the fact you do so much hivewise aswell. And I promise I will come by more often 😉

Us old-brigade will keep things moving right? 😁

I agree with you in that it's the friendships that keep me coming back, the interaction and engagement; without it Is not be here to be honest. Let's hope things progress and the community can all benefit, new and old.

The old Gang needs to show what is a must do here, and from that friendships starts, and i wasnt a social media lover but it is really true I love that hive is a part of my life and that all is on the blockchain for the kids to read about their mum hahahah

Yeah, lead by example tends to be the way I go mostly. It seems to work and people respond to it; Well, most, not all.