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RE: The power to engage

I would say I agree with this, but sporadically, not on a wholesale perspective over my 3.5 years. I tend to get a few incoming comments and am always commenting out-bound so I think I'm happy with the level of engagement I'm getting personally, I think people could be doing more.

With this in mind, I wonder if people are not finding the engagement because they are being too selective, staying within their lane a little too much. Just a thought. I mean, I don't care about sewing for instance but have made comments on sewing posts, more to support the user than for any real interest. I think branching out a little may help to widen the net and help to mitigate the auto to engagement ratio. What do you think? I'm not making a statement, just raising the question I guess.


There's a balance between supporting your favorites and branching out to find new people to curate, for sure.

Yes, balance is a good word to apply to hive...There's so many elements and so finding some balance is really the key I think...It's easy to delve down the rabbit hole in one area and find oneself neglecting others. This is how I find it anyway.