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RE: Commentary: The Temptation to Sit and Stare Blankly Into Space...

I think being a dabbler must be the best way. The middle road. That way you are not burned out on all that hyper-focused action, but not wasting precious time in being idle and not using those unique talents that make you who you are. Dabbling seems to me to be a recipe for happiness.

That picture of the little pink flowers in the cluster was viewed from my peripheral vision while reading the words about the professor passing away, and those little flowers looked like skulls. Funny how the mind works.


Dabbling has pretty much always been my gig... I used to refer to myself as an "opportunist" because I just tend to seize whatever comes along; if I can get some benefit, great... or I just move along. I am just not motivated by working.

Funny how the mind works, indeed. I see some of the most interesting things out of my peripheral...