Spending time with family

After doing housework all day, I try to spend time with my family in the evening and this is the most important time for me because this is the time when I spend my time like myself and share my good moments with everyone in the family.I hope you are all well friends, everyone is having a good time. I wish you all a good evening.

I love spending time with family at the end of the day after a busy day because all the family members are free and they spend time with each other as they please.It has been raining since this morning. This rain is stopping a little. It is an annoying rain because it becomes an unbearable condition all day long.
Since I am in a village house, all the places around the village house are raw, so when it rains, these unpaved roads become very dilapidated in the mud and what becomes unusable is really very painful and that is why I am here on a rainy day One doesn't feel good so I try to keep myself indoors on a rainy day.
But I feel a little better today than other days because it rained all day today but we didn't go out all day and tried to stay indoors but at the end of the day when it was evening we suddenly decided that today we are I will play ludu and have fun together.Today I played ludu with my mother and my younger sister. I think it was a good moment in my life and I will remember this time for a long time even though it is raining outside today. I have no problem because I am inside Once the rain stops, the nature will get better again and everything will be fresh again. I wish you all the best. I have shared this good moment with you all. Good evening to all of you.IMG_20200917_193752.jpg