Thoughtful daily post - Spice4Life 2


Happiness a life choice!

Let's talk a bit about happiness. Maybe it is the thing people seek the most. You can have all the money in the world and still be unhappy.


You can now ask: how can I choose to be happy if there is a lot of circumstances in my life that makes me unhappy?

You can still choose how you respond to life circumstances. Don't let the negative circumstances get the best of you. You can take control of negative emotions and thoughts if life is not going your way.

You can start to be happy or at least happier by just making a decision.

Just saying: from today, I will be a happy person. Write it down somewhere, stick it up where you can see it and I read it every day. Every morning when you wake up you make that decision to be happy.

There is people with big problems and great sadness in their lives and this is really not a mockery of your suffering. Believe me, I have been through my fair share of suffering in life. There is a method called compartmentalization. This helps you to deal with the hard things in life, but still manage to be happy.
In my next post I will explain this method. I think it can be an eye-opener for many.

0710 I choose happiness.png


We tend to lose sight of our happiness by letting the tensions and irritations of daily life get to us. Relationships, work, money and lots more can steal our happiness if you let it. If there are aspects in your life that can't be change, try to accept it. A simple example is that you have to sit in traffic every day, you can get upset over it every day, or you can choose to acknowledge your feeling but start smiling telling yourself, this situation is not going to steal my happiness. In every unpleasant situation during the day, you make the choice to be happy over and over.

This will not be easy, but you must practice it daily. In practicing it daily, it becomes a mind shift, a change of attitude and in the end a new way of life.

Let's start the day with joy. Listen to Pharrel Williams with Happy.

Source: You Tube

Thank you for reading and listening.
