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RE: What Problems You Might Face When You Kick In A Street Fight

We grew up down the street from a master and sensei of Tae Kwan Do. He was a CHP officer. His son was my age, a friend, and a 3rd degree blackbelt. I never wanted to get in a fight with that guy. Narrowly avoided one at one point.

But then there was Phil, who also lived in the same neighborhood. We shared an apartment later in life and now he's my kids English teacher.

Phil was a CIF State Championship wrestler and he wasn't afraid of Ted (the blackbelt at all). Personally, in a real street fight, I'd pull the arm reach to the groin and keep squeezing! 😁


Every martial art focuses on some specific things. It has its strength and weakness.

Personally, in a real street fight, I'd pull the arm reach to the groin and keep squeezing! 😁

Looks like you will show no mercy in a real street fight. lol... Now no one will get into a fight with you. ;)