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RE: Psychology and Healing: On Stating the Facts, Assuming Blame and Other Defensiveness

I know I am not unique in this, but I don't hint or lead or.... I just mean exactly what I am saying. It always surprises me later to see that someone was wondering what I really meant. I'm not cryptic in my speech, but it seems that people don't always take it for what it is.

On the other hand, I see myself thinking someone meant something that they didn't, simply because I know what I would be meaning if I said the same thing....LOL !

I never know when I am going to be on a different page from someone else. I take it innocently and am not expecting games. Later, all of the sudden I come to realize that was not what was meant.


It's ironic that when people are actually being direct, others try to "read between the lines" when there are actually no hidden messages between those lines!

All in all, human communication is really a small miracle, of sorts!