Loss of a pet, which is really a family member.

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Since I am prohibited from reposting previous posts, even though they are THREE FUCKING YEARS OLD, I would like to share this post from Steemit.
"Warning! This was written as a sort of "Catharsis"for me. It is very painful to read. Please, don't think less of me...
I think this restriction is barbaric.
I  wrote the post, and  I   had a hard time finding it, so someone tell me HOW is it possible for me to repost this after so long and have it threaten THE REWARD POOL because

  1. no one can upvote it because of its age
  2. no current Hive user would POSSIBLY be able to go back and find it, so
  3. no CURRENT Hive user would be able to even THINK about looking for it.

I just do not understand this

One of my friends here in the Hive recently went through the loss of their long time best friend fur baby.
While if he reads this (and I will NOT tag him because their pain is too fresh)

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks



If it's so old how would people know? Do bots detect it or something?

Hi @johneyreacko, you better believe there are bots trolling around doing nothing BUT looking for reposts.

Ya, there is the keys-defender who supposedly will "automatically detects suspicious activity of users trying to re-publish their previous posts in order to get more rewards.". Ridiculous IMO.

The rich thinking they know what's best for the poor, what's new

If you think that Hive ecosystem and it's blockchain mean free for all stealing and scamming with no social repercussion, then you should leave Hive and go to Steemit. IT's owned by thieves and scammers. They will welcome your attitude there.

Please show me where I said that there should be no repercussions for stealing and scamming?? I never said that. You just made that up. That's quite disingenuous. And I am still on Steem. And I'm staying on Hive... sorry if you don't like it. But honestly I could care less about what you think. lol.

My reply is general here directed to everyone in this conversation.

You, evidently perpetuate the opinion that there should be no repercussions for an attempt to scam the curation by reposting old posts without citing that it is a repost - effortless spam with zero, new and original content added.

jerrytsuseer was warned a few times first but ignored Hivewatchers' warnings and continued to do so. So got blacklisted.
He was reported by the community not caught by keys-defender (this bot is doing great work, by the way).

Clearly, your opinion about scamming is bad unless your Hive buddies do it.
Obviously, you don't care about others' opinions except yours.

You can have your opinions... everybody can. I never said otherwise. You can downvote whatever you like. That's how this blockchain works. I just disagree with your opinions about what is or isn't deserving of downvotes. And there are a lot of users out there like me that disagree with you and the Hive Watchers.

My concern is the inadvertent stifling of good faith acts in the attempt to prevent bad faith ones. I've always thought that once hurting the innocent becomes justifiable, then that opens the door for more. .

Anyways I'm all for preventing gaming and scamming

So here is that post again @hlezama

Jerry... I don't know who told you there are rules here, but guess what... the blockchain code is the only rule! Post whatever you want whenever you want!! Screw anyone that says anything else. lol. 😜👍

I've been blacklisted before, where every post I made was downvoted.
Ever heard of @Hivewatchers? In Steemit the same outfit was @Steemcleaners.
It is their job, and their bots to go around looking for plagiarism and
Violations of the rules @derekrichardson

Sorry to hear about the blacklisting Jerry. Ya, I know all about them and their "rules" they like to try to apply. I'm not a fan of it. They like to claim there is some consensus on what the rules should be here on Hive when there most definitely is not, and our comments here are evidence of that. To me these Hive Watchers rules are not anything official. And I don't appreciate the way they throw around their power like a big bully. I for one am gonna post and say whatever the hell I want and they can't stop me. Downvote me all they want. I'll just laugh. As far as Hive the blockchain is concerned amazing quality content can be downvoted and crap plagiarism can be upvoted. I'm going extreme with that example to make the point that the Hive blockchain doesn't really care about what Hivewatchers thinks is ok. Now I'm not saying I support plagiarism... I'll downvote plagiarism myself. But to make downvoting your "job" is a total dick move and I have no respect for it.

If you think that Hive ecosystem and it's blockchain mean free for all stealing and scamming with no social repercussion, then you should leave Hive and go to Steemit. It's owned by thieves and scammers. They will welcome your attitude there.

"As far as Hive the blockchain is concerned amazing quality content can be downvoted and crap plagiarism can be upvoted"

You are delusional. It's the opposite. Maybe you have confused it with Steemit. If you despise Hive ecosystem so much then leave. Go to Steemit.

"I'm going extreme with that example to make the point that the Hive blockchain doesn't really care about what Hivewatchers thinks is ok"

Sure, they just supported HiveWatchers because they don't care. facepalm


Ok dude. I already addressed the first part on your other comment so I'm gonna skip that here...

Now answer this, and be honest... Is it possible on the Hive blockchain for amazing quality content to be downvoted and crap plagiarism to be upvoted?? Is it possible?

In case you're wondering the answer is YES. I am not delusional. I am just telling things how they are.

Now to your next point... those users that voted for Hive Watchers proposal ARE NOT the Hive blockchain. Users of a blockchain are NOT the chain itself. The blockchain only cares about the code it's running, it doesn't take sides or have opinions.

I find it funny that your user name is Logic and yet you seem to be highly lacking in that department. facepalm right back at ya bud

If there is some content that is abusive such as spam farming (including recycling old posts), plagiarism or identity theft, it will be dealt with by Hivewatchers. and prevent the account from receiving upvotes for such content. They cannot do anything unless it is reported to them.

That's not an argument. Just more blah blah blah. I'm fully aware of what Hive Watchers does you don't gotta explain it to me again.

"I find it funny that your user name is Logic and yet you seem to be highly lacking in that department"

Your ad hominem logical fallacy is an intellectually poor attempt to support your argument.

At least I made some arguments. You on the other hand have not rebutted a single thing I've said, nor presented me with a single argument to rebut. Just a bunch of blah blah blah that ultimately has no point other than for you to show off your ignorance.

"Now to your next point... those users that voted for Hive Watchers proposal ARE NOT the Hive blockchain. Users of a blockchain are NOT the chain itself. The blockchain only cares about the code it's running, it doesn't take sides or have opinions"

No clue what you are talking about.

These are the users who have been here around since 2016 and they are now one of the main voices of the Hive ecosystem community.

Do you understand what a blockchain is? It's not its users. That's for sure. The blockchain follows the code regardless of its users. That was my point. Not sure why it's hard to understand.

And the blockchain doesn't care how long users have been using it. A brand new user could buy a billion HivePower and have a big voice on day 1. Nothing against the people in your picture there, I actually personally like a lot of them. But the blockchain doesn't care who the main voices of the Hive ecosystem are... it only cares about following the protocol and producing the next block.

I don't care about the other blockchain that you are talking about. Each community built behind every blockchain has its own conduct of behavior. I am talking about the Hive blockchain and ecosystem and the community that is built around it. There are specific guidelines that have developed organically through the experiences learned on Steemit. Hivewatchers make sure that abusers of those guidelines are being found.

Other blockchain? I'm only talking about Hive here. Not sure what you're talking about with that. Those "guidelines" are just your opinions. You can say they are organic... so is snake venom. That means nothing of significance. Hive Watchers is free to use their HP as they see fit. I wouldn't claim otherwise. I just don't fully agree with how they use it. It's not a big deal really. I mean I'm pretty sure most users disagree with how another user uses their stake. That's just the nature of subjective valuation. Everyone still has the right to use their stake as they see fit regardless of people agreeing with it. Does that help you understand my perspective a little better?

This is the Hivewatchers Discord Channel, should you be interested @derekrichardson

Thanks Jerry. I was actually already in their Discord channel for awhile. I recently decided I should leave it. So I'm probably not gonna go back. lol. They don't wanna hear me. I'm not a whale. They could care less about us average users. Our votes are inconsequential when they have whales backing their proposal to the tune of 24 million HP.