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RE: Sunday joke

Your question reminded me on the apple pie scene in the movie American Pie, so I have to answer "yes" 😁

Winter time is photo experiments time - I like the last camera shake photo most and the pomegranate shot looks cool. It took a few moments until I realized what I see 😃

Cheers and !BEER


Hi Hannes!
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words :)
Yes, things are heading towards winter and it gets dark earlier and earlier on the street. It's good that you and I have a camera. There is always something to do

The macro world always looks unexpected. When you take a picture, you don't always notice everything that falls into it. This is another bonus when you find something in the photo that you did not photograph.

Cheers! аnd !BEER

You're most welcome, @bambuka 😊

You are right, I also want to take more experimental macros in winter. Let's see what we will come up with 🙂

Wish you a nice evening my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Nice idea @johannpiber :)
By the way, here I used the Industar 50U lens from an old photo enlarger for film printing photographs. It has a diaphragm and is sharp enough.

Cheers and !BEER

But that's no competition nor a battle ;)
I don't even know if I'll find much time. This week I'm working from home, but the work is not less than in the office - it's even more complicated here.
You have always such great ideas with using other lenses or building your own lenses :)

I hope you have a nice week my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

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