Build your desired world starting within

When it comes to happiness in life, it’s not so much about what you have as about your attitude to it. We can all imagine the very rich man who has so much stress that his life is a misery. And we can imagine a poor man who is filled with gratitude and joy in his life. The ability to live a fulfilling life has a lot to do with perception, which we can alter as we see fit at any time. It all depends on the focus and focus is precisely the key to mastering life and one’s own mind.

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The mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy
It can create a perception subjectively that may not always correlate with the situation as it is. We have such active imaginations. Still our emotions are there to protect us instinctively. Even the sense of being wealthy is an emotion. It is an attitude. And we can invoke a sense of wealth within our imaginations if we choose. It’s all about how we frame our perception of ourselves and reality around us.

It’s an attitude
If you are content with what you have, then you are already wealthy. There are intangible valuables and values that may never have a monetary value other than what they mean to us, and they need to be factored in to our equation. In this way by living in a paradise-like situation and yet owning none of it, we can appreciate the public space in nature for what it is. Or find our little bit of paradise wherever we are. Get it and get in the zone and you will have it all. If you can’t find it where you are then move.

Saying thank you to money both in and out
Out attitude toward money can greatly shift our relationship with it and our ability to create it in our lives. It will always flow and one can tap in by seeing it as something we can all attract. One way some coaches recommend is to say thank you to the money coming in as well as going out. See both as something we respect and appreciate. Appreciation melts away the anxiety one may have towards it.

Giving gifts is a door opener in life
When it comes to attracting opportunity it helps to break the ice by sharing a small gift without any thought of return, say for example with your job front. Or if you go for a job interview then go the extra mile so that they can see you have done your homework on the business. Talk to the other staff beforehand if you like. These kind of tips really help us along the way. Be willing to share some gift, even if it is information, and people will remember you more fondly, if nothing else. But more than that, they will be more open to accepting you, which means opening doors to opportunities in your field of interest.

Do what you love and money follows you
Millionaires will tell you this, and I can only echo their words and follow their example in this regard. I love what I do and I have made a living from it for some years. Even though it has changed since the lockdown, I still find other vocations facilitating income streams for me. And always as my own boss, on my terms. It all depends, again, on what your perception of yourself is as well as what your focus or desire is.

Brains are malleable but focus is key
Ultimately we always have the choice to change if we feel the need. Our brain is not hard-wired for life. Neuroplasticity allows us to use visualizations or focus, to reimagine our lives and personalities and perceptions of ourselves at any time. It just needs to focus. If you desire it and pay attention to it or on it, your imagined goal or outcome for yourself can be achieved. So make the effort. Never give up hope. You have all the potential to be what you would love to be, or something close to it. What you dream about is what you could be if you really want it.


This is great, we really are the creators of our lives, we have to power to change. I wish more people could see this and realize that real wealth comes from self awareness and self acceptance. wise words my friend xxx

Hey I'm glad you can relate, with this insight we can feel like the richest soul in Babylon.


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Hey many thanks @jaynie my Cape cousin lol.