Musical map on #spotify ... New changes inside #paypal ... Encrypted miners from XXIst Century ...

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)


Sometimes, i wonder ...

How it's possible that from an entire world, your music to be heard/seen just by a few countries, and, even though to represent, somehow in matter of population, a sort of extreme...?


Musical maps are always interesting, like the one from my spotify page :

It looks like only United States, Canada and little countries from Europe, like Romania, United Kingdom, are somehow busy on this platform ...

I've forgot the South of Afrikya ...

Still, where are all the other regions?

Recently, i've fond out that #spotify entered the big garden of Russia, which might be a big market for the artists within the platform ...

I do hope that #spotify will update its platform and will step inside the new cryptonian planet, especially because recently, #paypal was announcing the insertion of #bitcoin inside their portofolio, therefore the average people would have the chance to meet the new system ...

On the other hand, paypal announced that they are intending to buy the well known platform of bitgo ...

This is the way you do bussinesses ... especially inside the financial spectrum ...

You don't need to built something from zero, especially when, somehow you've missed the start ...

You buy one that already maybe is struggling inside this big world of crypto space ...

This is doing #paypal ...

They will buy #bitgo company ...

Sounds interesting, but, in the same time, maybe the pump might be helped through AI, and everyone believes that the bull-run has started, when in fact it will occur very soon a cool dump ...

I do believe that, like in the case of fb, when they've released their lira coin, the same way i'll wait to see from #paypal ...

I do believe there will be at least a paypal #token in the beginning ...

What do you think people?

It's gonna be a big move inside the cryptonian spectrum, regarding this whole move and step inside the market that will be done by paypal? I think they will give the taste of these crypto assets to that category of the society who stepped very easily from the normal banking system which stared to use very easy the visa cards, and, through paypal they've started to use the virtual shopping much easier through paypal ...

Let me know what you think about this move made by paypal ...

Is this gonna'help the average people to know much better the new banking format that is developing right now with the speed of light or it will cause a bleed to the dollar?


The New World out there, even for the music, will have the new updated platforms ...

While, being a #musicoin ambassador, i was very happy to hear that @musicoin is back in bussiness and the swap to the new ERC-20 token will take place soon ...

Here are some of my MC pages:

I'm looking forward to see the new improvements and the new protocol under wich this awesome blockchain will function.

I do hope that in the near Future, everyone will enjoy the music on apps like #musicoin

Meanwhile, i know, it's hard sometimes to see , IF yu, as an artist will be able to reach some bread crumbs from platforms like #spotify ... where as i can see it's very hard to achieve at least 100000 playings ... or at least 1000 playings per one of your composition.

A world bombarded with such an amount of info, which more than 80 % most of the time, has no substance ... therefore, people are in a lethargic mood of supreme confusion ...

Anyway, i am an artist, and i like to provide to you dear listeners, mostly all of the platforms that can offer good quality service in matter of music ...

I know, some of you maybe are still using #spotify ...

Therefore, you can find my music there too ...

As a form of art, for me and my children, is also the lego world ...

An awesome and creative world not only for the children but as well for the adults ...

Brick by brick, everything take shapes in time ... therefore, the patience is a key factor inside any form of art, in our case being music and lego ...

Like in the case of the big buildings from the Renaissance Era, a building process took time, to get to a result like this one for instance ...


We are just simply creative souls, travelling through space and time, trying to achieve the illumination through art ...

Like my buddies here, Jedi Yoda and Ali'ah Tusken Raider, on each of their journeys ... So shall we create our lives, like true spiritual journeys inside a sacred Matrix ...

Day by day we are creating from simply playing with the awesome characters of those famous movies from our childhood ... like Star Wars or Harry Potter ...

The other days, we've started a new journey inside our original Star Wars stories ...

For instance, today, we've created an awesome desert village inside of our Tatooine planet ... An inner village that came to live after we've built those two small huts, that are somehow suiting to our lego characters and to our magical story ...

We've decided that even the photos must be taken with a little impressionism patina ...

We do believe that our work was not in vain ...

Therefore, let's start with our magical story ...

Everything starts in one night, under the sky of the desert of Tatooine planet with Jedi Yoda and Chewbacca, waiting for their brother, Ali'ah Tusken Raider to arrive, after a long journey of recognition of their new zone, hoping that he will meet his old friend ...


Jedi Yoda and Chewbacca were not alone as well, near by was staying and guarding their both huts, the famous and vigilant entity ... the famous Jawa ...

He was like a little brother for them as well ...

He could stay in his little hut for hours, both of their huts, having an awesome architecture for that desert of Tatooine. They've covered their huts with a brown-vanilla material that kept their climate very cool, especially for a desert environment which had on a daily basis, the temperature of more than 45 celsius degrees ...


You could only his eyes during the nights in the desert and he had perfect senses for every noize, energy or any other things that were trying to approach their zone.

After quite a while, suddenly, Jawa felt that something is getting near to their huts, and, he knew that is Ali'ah and his bantha.

Somehow, everyone were surprised when Jedi Yoda, Chewbacca and Jawa saw that Ali'ah met one of their old friend, SandolOrion ... which was a very skilled sand trooper ...


They were very happy to see him being together with them, after such a long time ...


Ali'ah and SandolOrion were happy as well and after 3 hours of riding through the desert they've very exausted and wanted to feel the sand under their feet ... so therefore, they dismounted immediately ...


Maybe, some of you will ask ... "what kind of reptiles are those animals which are ridde by the SandolOrion trooper?"

They are dewbacks and these were lizards that were native to the desert of Tatooine desert and they were able to withstand the heat of the world's binary suns, as well as the dust that caused mechanical breakdowns inside of those high-tech conveyances ...

In such an environment like on Tatooine planet, and especially in the desert area, these kind of animals were the best friends of the desert tribes ...

I guess that both, Ali'ah tusken raider and SandolOrion trooper knew that the bantha and the dewback were the best animals for the desert.

After such a meeting, everyone was happy and they were celebrating under the sky that was lighting the whole desert of Tatooine with its amazing stars ... and never to forget ... the both Moons ...


Hope you've enjoyed our new story.

Soon, new interesting stories will arrive ...

Now, let's step forward to approach another interesting theme n which i was reflecting today ...

Should we feel like the ancient miners from the 18th century?
Especially at this very moment in history the times are changing very fast, not that in that period from the 18th century the things were not runnin'fast ...

As we all know, the history of coal mining goes back thousands of years, being documented as early mining places, some areas from the ancient China, or, the Roman Empire.

There were, of course, other areas with mines, arround the World ...

The coalmining became very important during the Industrial Revolution from the 19th and 20th centuries, when the coal was primarily used for the power of the steam engines, the heat buildings and the most important thing, maybe, to generate electricity.

Coal mining continues to be an important economic factor today, even if it has begun to decline its activity, due to the strong accusations brought to all the major companies around the world, for their contribution to the well known global warming and environmental issues, which result in decreasing demand in some regins of this world.

Why i am making this parallel to those ancestral periods of time, you'll might ask yourself?

Because during those times, a miner was happy receive at least some pennies for its work and when someone found some gold that was like a Happy New Year day for that person and its family.

The coal was like a battery for that period of time ...

Nowadays, the shift was made and we've started with the ether kind of battery for an infrastructure for something that we call today as internet ... Maybe therefore, the interenet word came from ethernet and it had its battery named as #ethereum ...

Have you got that feeling, like, when you've received at least 5 $ for your blog like you've hit the mine of gold?

Maybe we are like the modern encrypted miners, and, the species named bloggers will become the futuristic #writers and #miners as well, for a whole new and far much more vast infrastructure of this field called #crypto #blockchain ...

I would like to create a short parallel to this aspect by presenting you some future photos, on how, this encrypted society of writers, or better to name it, the encrypted society of bloggers will look in the next century ...


Therefore, when we will discover new #crypto platforms, as planets with new encrypted mine deposits that might be something like the famous #vibranium from the Black Panther episode, that presented very well this secret mining compound, named vibranium like being the new and revolutionary resource of this world, but with its secret existence inside the awesome continent of Afrikya ... maybe, we will be so enthusiastic, as i've mentioned above, even for 5 $ for each blog we write ...

Even if it would be like 5 $ per blog, this would be a much luckier scenario, then the one from a lucky miner in 1800, when he got a couple of dollars per week, too be much more precise, this payment was arround 1.70 $ per day and arround 10.20 $ per week, as a salary ...

Now, if a modern encrypted miner, ( a fictional name, given to the modern #writer or #blogger) would spend some time in writing and creating from 1 to 5 unique contents/stories inside this vast #blockchain , the magical jewelry would be quantified far much higher than that lucky miner from that period from the 18th century ...

The only thing that might be different, is that, in that period of time, those miners were having the adventure during their work, and they were not sitting in front of a screen :))))))))))))

They were discovering the crystals, gold and vibranium or whatever else mining compound and they were carrying those treasures in a real world, not in a virtual one ...


Maybe some of us, would love to be able to have such an experience on exploring some encrypted fields and to have that satisfaction of collecting the honey out of those #crypto mines ... so to speak :)))



Let's have a coup of coffee or tea, with my buddies, Harry Potter and his house elf, Dobby ... and let's reflect to a better Matrix within'this vast Universe or Multiverse that has the ability of a continuous encrypted restauration of itself, every once in a while ...


May the Force be with us ...