Today ´s Wildflower Shooting Made My Day!

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

Waiting For Overcast Skies...

It took me three days to wait for this moment so that I could take a walk and shoot some of the flowers growing wildly on the fields I passed - by the week before. In fact, there are really really wonderful wildflowers , ignored by others, that are really worth seeing closely.


Windy but......

It was windy, but that didn´t discourage me to go. I knew flowers will always be there on the fields at Summertime. I am glad we moved to this area because we are now closer to nature. And below is the first image of arrangement of those I picked on my way back.


And so today had been the day because the sky was overcast at midday. The sun was shining the last two days and I couldn´t go because that would mean I needed some shades to shoot the flowers, otherwise, my images would be over -exposed to the sunlight.


Wannabe photographer...

I know, I know I could adjust the camera but it is too much of a work. Besides my shaking hands and the added wind, I knew both combined will produce no good results. I used my smartphone instead since it requires less adjustments.


Found flowers of all sorts....

This flower looks like a geranium... I have seen such types growing abundantly on the side of the road in Spain. The pink colors and the dark strips of the petals are wonderful giving contrast to the pink color.

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This is a bud made of clusters of small flowers and when they bloom they have a cream or off white color.


These pink flowers are one of my fave wildflowers. They grow abundantly in the area and a friend said that they are used as feed for the animals.


These look like thistles (?) but I am not sure of the name since they do not have thorns.


These are camomile since they smelled like one.


These violet colored flowers are plenty in the meadows and I have seen a field full of these. I think this is being planted by the farmers in the area, but most of the ones I found here are wild.





These ones are elongated and the flowers are cream in color. I have used these in my wildflower arrangements , but I do not know the name til now.


This is the area where the flowers are wildly growing....


And below are the images of the arrangement I made for the flowers picked. I have to say some of the flowers look like orchids but you could only notice them if you look closer because they are really tiny.



I hope you have enjoyed the images as much as I enjoyed arranging them. The walk and images shooting had been fun as I was fighting with my own shaky hands and the wind. I have enjoyed the adventure of shooting today!


All images were taken and text originally written by @mers.

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF courtesy of @gremayo


very beautiful!

@tipu curate

Thank you my friend!

Although I am a lover of nature, it had been long I saw flowers. These are very beautiful!

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