You want to breath fresh air and want a clean environment? Carry a trash bag with you and use it!

While there are people who go to travel and left their trash behind you maybe find people who not only travel but also clean used plastic bottles, chips packet, and other non-perishable dumped by you knowing or not knowing the consequences of this to nature.

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You can't just go somewhere to eat a packet of lunch and left your trash behind but, people do this and now it is a regular practice.

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Authorities have initiatives but not enough and not effective. Not only the hills and waterfalls area but also the sea beach! The longest natural unbroken sea beach of Earth (155KM) just dividing by people for their purposes! We talk about so many beautiful and unique things in the world and just forgot ours!

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টেকনাফ এর বাহারছড়া ইউনিয়নের ইলিয়াস কোবরা বাজার সংলগ্ন পাহাড় এটি(নোয়াখালী পাড়া নামে পরিচিত) ।আমরা ক্যাম্পিং করে কিছুদিন থাকার কারনে বেশ ভালো সখ্যতা গড়ে উঠেছিল বাচ্চাগুলোর সাথে।একবার শুধু বলেছিলাম, এতো সুন্দর পরিবেশে এতো শহুরে আবর্জনা কেনো?উত্তরে বললো আপনাদের মত অনেকে আসে আর এইসব প্লাস্টিক,পলিথিন আর আবর্জনা ফেলে যায়।তার পরের চিত্র ছবিতে স্পষ্ট। ওদের পাহাড়,ওদের মাটি,ওদের ঘর।আমাদের তো কোন অধিকার নাই ওদের পাহাড় নোংরা করার।আমাদের তো অধিকার নাই এই প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ কে শহুরে আবর্জনা দিয়ে নষ্ট করার।

Where ever we go we just left our footprint and the locals are just watch how we are destroying their home. The little boy collecting plastic at Teknaf just to clean their home area! People come and go and left their used plastic bottles, chips packets, and other non-perishable things although you always find a certain place to dump them!

This current Pandemic gave us a chance to control the waste and create the best waste management but, we might be lost the opportunity.

It is nothing but 'foresighted' people we required. We need to understand the consequences and act accordingly.

We are lucky to have few people among us who do the Travelling and take care of nature, the take trash bag, and clean your dump. Recently I have visited many Facebook pages to find the recent scenario and surprised to see we are not changed, not yet, not a little! Strict maintenance is required.

Dear reader Attention!!! If you want to breathe and walk freely on this planet, please take good care of it!

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What on your mind after watching the above picture? Will you feel good to swim along with those two bags of unwanted things at the beautiful waterfalls???

It is you and me who is throwing them! Take a small bag with you, don't feel shy to carry your waste away.

Thanks to ToB and all the nature lover for their inspiration and all the individual who cares for nature.