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RE: Ten minute writing throw-down: Refrigerator door

Hahaha, I wonder at times how many of us have that "one day" motto lol.
We are friends in a way, so a pleasure to support and apologies that it cannot be more often, but I am not like the great champ G-Dog that can run hundreds of conversations on most days hahaha.

Blessings to you guys and our greetings to Faith.

Oh! And thank you for the token.


Hive friends for sure, I'd be sad if we couldn't consider ourselves that.

Great champ huh? And to think, my school teachers always told me I'd amount to nothing. 😉

I hope you have a great day mate, almost 1900 here...About to scare something up for dinner.

I like to think of us as unconditional friends lol. In Hive and in life.

Hahaha, we walked the same road and all that those "all knowing teachers did" was to stir our sub-conscience determination lol. We should thank them for that.
You certainly are doing great for yourself and I wonder what they would say today.

The problem is that they say that to others with lesser integrity and they turn out as failures.
Such is life.

Yeah, you are about 7-9 hours ahead of us so, I hope that you have a great supper and a good night!


Unconditional friends for sure...We can sit around laughing at those nay-sayers who told us we'd not amount to anything!

So it is indeed,

I think that you are aware by now about my struggles at school, as I was seen as a "difficult" child. Some called me "brilliant" and others called me "stupid" hahaha.
Simply because I found out many years later that my condition is called "Savant"

The left brain and the right brain don't communicate effectively, and the surprising thing is that many others go through life never knowing that they have the same condition. I can be the most naughty boy (right brain) and the sweetest child (left brain). So the teachers that called me stupid didn't know that and the same with the teachers that called me brilliant lol.

Maybe you also have this, or else your sheer determination carried you through lol.

I don't think I have that, not that I'm aware of anyway. Sounds like an interesting condition. I'm determined though, amongst other things...Quitting isn't in my nature also.

I had a mate who was called stupid because he was dyslexic. They never gave him any time or additional attention and his grades were terrible. He had to re-learn many things. He rose to the rank of Captain in the army based on his hard work and was one of the best leaders a person could ask for.

School teachers have a lot to answer for.

Yeah, maybe you don't but you are right in not being a quitter.

Funny how people can judge someone and then being showed up as false characters themselves.
But kudos to that guy and to that proved them wrong.
If you go and have a look at some guys that have really made it big time, it is surprising to find that some of them never completed their schooling. Some even left school in the lower grades and today they are billionaires.
Some others only really started at the ages of 50 and up with an idea and turned wealthy overnight.
Right brained stuff my friend!

Slow learners spoil the teachers efforts to "shine" and that's why they dislike them, but thankfully there are always a handful of teachers that really care about their pupils and those are the ones that avoid the "shining" stage.